Announcing Member Profile Pages
At Swagbucks HQ, we receive thousands of member inquiries every day. Two of the most common questions we hear are: “How do some members earn so much SB so quickly?” and “What are the best activities for earning SB today?” There are a couple ways we could answer these golden questions, but, we figured, the best way is to simply show you with the introduction of Swagbucks Member Profiles!
Starting today, members can activate, via the Member Recognition Program settings page, a Profile Page and finally see first-hand which activities are earning top SB. Likewise, you can now view other members’ profiles and learn what is working for them. By default, your Member Profile Page is not enabled until you enable it.

We encourage you to share your Profile Page as a referral link. In showcasing the amount you’ve earned, the Page acts as social-proof to how well Swagbucks works as a way to “put cash back in your wallet for the everyday things you do online.” Users who register via your Page will credit to you as a referral. So, post your link to Twitter & Facebook; and, update your Instagram bio with a link to your Page.
This feature represents a first step toward enabling community-oriented features that will allow members to connect and interact with one another. In an upcoming release, Swagbucks will link to Profile Pages from Swag Names wherever they appear on the website. This means whenever you visit the comment sections of the Daily Poll, the Daily Swag, and anywhere else swagnames appear, you can click on the swagname to view that member’s Profile (if activated). Finally, you can put a face to the swagname (and see how they earn SB)!
To enable your Profile Page, simply click ‘Enable Member Profile Page’ from your Member Recognition Program settings page. If you are not enrolled in the Member Recognition Program, you’ll need to do so before you can enable the Profile Page
We invite you to activate your page, and if you’re feeling friendly, drop a link to your page in the comments below. I’ll start off with a link to mine. Shout-outs to my fellow Sapphires (L7s)!